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Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

The 1st Bali emerging writers festival

One of the key missions of the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (UWRF) is promoting the Indonesian emerging writers. Since 2008, the Festival has implemented various programs to fulfill that mission, including sponsoring the participation of selected emerging Indonesian writers in the Festival, publishing bilingual anthologies of the works of those emerging writers, and organizing fringe and satellite events at various regions across the archipelago.

In 2011, the Festival will organize the 1st Bali Emerging Writers Festival (BEWF) as an initial effort to build a replicable, sustainable and feasible model for similar festival in the future. BEWF reflects the UWRF’s commitment to continue its support for the promotion and advancement of the younger generations of Indonesian writers, the voice of tomorrow.

The 1st BEWF is a two-day festival that brings together the island’s promising young talents to engage in a lively dialogue with several established Indonesian writers on various aspects of literary writings, from the often elusive creative process to the more mundane but no less important aspect of publishing.
Besides panel sessions, BEWF will also feature performances from the island’s young talents in spoken words, theatre and music.

BEWF will be held in Serambi Arts ANTIDA, Jl. Waribang 32, Denpasar.
from May 27-29.

The organizing committee will invite up to 30 emerging writers from across the island to participate in BEWF as well as up to ten established writers.

The BEWF Writers

Penulis muda "Gothic" Citra Sasmita tampil di BEWF 2011, lahir di Tabanan 30 maret 1990. Ia sangat menyukai hal-hal Gothic, yang menjadi ciri khas puisi, prosa, cerpen, dan karikatur-nya. Sekarang menempuh pendidikan S1 Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) dan menjadi anggota Teater Seribu Jendela. Film liputannya meraih juara harapan 2 tingkat nasional dalam Apresiasi Pertanian 2010, juga sebagai editor film pendek yang terpilih sebagai Official Selection Indonesian Youth Ideas 2011. Menurutnya, menulis merupakan suatu siksaan nikmat dari kegelisahan dan keingintahuan agar mereka dapat dilahirkan di atas kertas.